Policy Manual
A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- A - Table of Contents
- AA - School District Legal Status
- AB - The People and Their School District
- AC - Nondiscrimination
- ACG - Resolution of Discrimination Complaints
- AD - School District Mission
- ADA - School District Goals and Objectives
- ADA-R - School District Goals and Objectives
- ADB - Drug Free Schools 2-12
- ADC - Tobacco Free Schools
- ADF - School Wellness
B - School Board Governance and Operations
- B - Table of Contents
- BA - School Board Operational Goals
- BB - School Board Legal Status
- BBA - Board Powers and Responsibilities
- BBAA - Board Member Authority and Responsibilities
- BBB - Board Membership - Elections
- BBBA - Board Member Qualifications
- BBBC - Board Member Resignation
- BBBD - Board Member Removal From Office
- BBBE - Unexpired Term Fulfillment-Vacancies
- BC - Board Member Conduct
- BCA - Board Member Code of Ethics
- BCB - Board Member Conflict of Interest
- BD - Organization of the School Board
- BDB - Board Officers
- BDD - Board-Superintendent Relationship
- BDE - Board Committees
- BDF - Advisory Committees
- BDF-R - Advisory Committees
- BDG - School Attorney-Legal Services
- BDG-R - School Attorney-Legal Services
- BDH - Board Consultants-Staff Assistants
- BE - School Board Meetings
- BEC - Executive Session-Open Meetings
- BEDA - Board Meeting Notification
- BEDB - Agenda
- BEDC - Quorum
- BEDD - Rules of Order
- BEDF - Voting Method at Board Meetings
- BEDG - Minutes of Board Meetings
- BEDH - Public Participation at Meetings
- BEDI - News Media Services at Board Meetings
- BG - School Board Policy Process
- BG -R - SchoolBoard Policy Process
- BGC-BGD - Policy Revision and Review-Board Review of Admin Rules
- BGF - Suspension-Repeal of Policy
- BHC - Board-Staff Communications
- BIA-BIB - New Member Orientation-Baord Member Development Opportunities
- BID - Board Member Compensation and Expenses
- BIE - Board Member Insurance-Liablility
- BJ - School Board Legislative Program
- BK - School Board Memberships in Professional Associations
C - General School Administration
- C - Table of Contents
- CA - Administraton Goals-Priority Objectives
- CB - School Superintendent
- CBA - Qualifications of Superintendent
- CBC - Superintendent powers and responsibilities
- CBD - Superintendents Contract
- CBI - Evaluation of Superintendent
- CC - Administrative Organization
- CCA - Organization Chart
- CCB - Line and Staff Relations
- CF - School Building Administratio
- CFA - School Principals-Building Administrators
- CFC - Assignment and Transfer or Administrators
- CH - Policy Implementation
- CHA-CHB - Development of Administrative Rules-Board Review
- CHD - Administration in the Absence of Policy
- CM - School District Annual Report
D-Fiscal Management
- D - Table of Contents
- DA - Fiscal Management Goals-Priority Objectives
- DBD - Determination of Budget Priorities
- DBG - Budget Adoption Process
- DBJ - Budget Transfers
- DC - Taxing and Borrowning
- DC -R-Taxing and Borrowing - Admin Rule
- DD - Funding Proposals, Grant and Special Projects
- DFAC -School District Fund Balances
- DFG - Tuition Income
- DGA - Authorized Signatures
- DH - Bonded Employees and Officers
- DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DID - Inventories for Fixed Assets
- DIE - Audits-Financial Monitoring
- DIE -R - Audits-Financial Monitoring - Admin rule
- DIEA - Fraud Policy
- DJ - Purchasing
- DJGA - Sales Calls and Demonstrations
- DK - Payment Procedures
- DKA - Payroll Procedures-Schedules
- DKB - Salary Deduction
- DM - Cash in School Buildings
- DN - School Properties Disposition
E - Support Services
- E - Table of Contents
- EA - Support Services Goals-Priority Objectives
- EB - Environmental and Safety Program
- EBAB - Hazardous Materials
- EBBA - Prevention of Dieases-Infection Transmission
- EBC - Emergencies
- EBC-R(2) Remote Instruction
- EBCB - Safety Plans and Drills
- EBCE - School Closings and Cancellations
- ECA - Security
- ECAC - Vandalism
- ECB - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
- ECF - Energy Management Conservation
- ED - Materials and Equpment Management
- ED -R - Materials and Equpment Management - Admin Rule
- EDE - Waste Management and Recycling
- EEA - Student Transportation
- EEAC - Bus Scheduling and Routing
- EEAE - Bus Safety Program
- EEAE -R - Bus Safety Program - Admin Rule
- EEAE-E - Bus Safety Program form
- EEAEC - Student Conduct on Buses
- EEAEC -R - Student Conduct on Buses - Admin Rule
- EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- EF - Food Services
- EFE - Competitive Food Sales-Vending Machines
- EFE -R - Competitive Food Sales-Vending Machines-Admin Rule
- EGAD - Copyright Compliance
- EGAD -R - Copyright Compliance - Admin Rule
- EHB - Data-Records Retention
- EI - Insurance Program-Risk Management
F - Facilities Planning and Development
- G - Table of Contents
- GA - Personnel Goals-Priority Objectives
- GBA - Open Hiring-Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
- GBAA_E1 (1)
- GBB - Staff Involvement in Decision Making
- GBC - Staff Compensation
- GBE - Staff Rights and Responsibilities
- GBEB - Staff Conduct
- GBEBB - Staff Conduct with Students
- GBEBC - Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff
- GBEBDA - Background Checks for Employees and Volunteers
- GBEBE- Gavins Law Sexual Extortion Staff
- GBEC - Drug Free Schools
- GBEC -E - Drug Free Schools - Form
- GBED - Tobacco-Free Schools - Staff No Smoking - Smoking
- GBG - Staff Welfare-Protection
- GBGA - Staff Health
- GBGD - Workers Compensation
- GBH - Staff Participation in Community Activities
- GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities
- GBJ -Personal Records and Files
- GBK - Staff Concerns-Complaints-Grievances
- GBK -E Grievance Form
- GBK-R - Staff Concerns-Complaints-Grievances Admin Rule
- GC - Professional Staff
- GCA - Professional Staff Positions
- GCB - Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation
- GCBD - Professional Staff Fringe Benefits
- GCC - Professional Staff Leaves and Absences
- GCC -E - Professional Staff Leaves and Absences Form
- GCC -R - Professional Staff Leaves and Absences - Admin Rule
- GCC;R2 - COVID-19 Associated Leave
- GCCAC/GDCC Paid Parental Leave
- GCD-GDD Staff Vacations & Holidays
- GCE - Professional Staff Recruitment
- GCE -R Professional Staff Recruitment - Admin Rule
- GCEC - Posting and Advertising of Professional Vacancies
- GCOA-R Evaluation of Intructional Staff
- GCQA-GCQB - Instructional Staff-Admin Staff Reduction in Force
- GCQC-GCQD - Resignation of Instructional Staff-Administrative Staff
- GCQE - Retirement of Professional Staff
- GCQF - Discipline Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff
- GCQF -R - Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff
- GCR - Nonschool Employment of Professional Staff
- GCRD - Tutoring for Pay
- GD - Support-Classified Staff
- GDA - Support Staff Positions
- GCG - Part-time and substitute professional staff employment
- GCG -R - Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment
- GCI - Professional Staff Development
- GCK - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GCK -R - Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GCMD - Instructional Staff Extra Duty
- GCNA - Supervision of Instructional Staff
- GCO - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
- GCO-R Evaluation of Administrataive Staff - Admin Rule
- GCOA- Evaluation of Instructional Staff
- GDB - Support Staff Contracts and Compensation
- GDBC - Support Staff Supplementary Pay-Overtime
- GDBC -R - Support Staff Supplementary Pay-Overtime - Admin Rule
- GDBD - Support Staff Fringe Benefits
- GDC - Support Staff Leaves and Absences
- GDC -R - Support Staff Leaves and Absences - Admin Rule
- GDC;R2 - COVID-19 Associated Leave_Support Staff
- GDF - Support Staff Hiring
- GDJ - Support Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff
- GDQB - Resignation of Support Staff
- GDQC - Retirement of Support Staff
- GDQD - Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff
- GDR - Nonschool Employment of Support Staff
I - Instruction
- I - Table of Contents
- IA - Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives
- IB - Academic Freedom
- IC - School Year
- ID - School Day
- IE - Organization of Instruction
- IG - Curriculum Development, Adoption and Review
- IGC - Curriculum Pilot Projects
- IGCA - Service Learning
- IHA - Basic Instructional Program
- IHAA - English-Reading-Writring-Language Arts Education
- IHAB - Mathematics Education
- IHAC-Social Studies Education
- IHAD - Science Education
- IHAE - Physical Education
- IHAF - Arts Education
- IHAG - Music Education
- IHAH - Foreign Language Education
- IHAI - Occupational-Technical Education
- IHAJ - Computer-Technology Literacy
- IHAK - Character Education
- IHAL - Teaching About Religion
- IHAM - Health Education
- IHAM-E Opt-Out Form CPR-AED form
- IHAN - Driver Training
- IHAO - Environmental Education
- IHAP - Consumer Education
- IHAQ - Career-Transition to Work Education
- IHBA - Special Education-Programs for Disabled Students
- IHBA -E Delegation of Rights to Make Educ Decisions
- IHBB - Gifted and Talented Education
- IHBC - Programs for At-Risk - Disadvantaged Students
- IHBD-IHBDA - Compensatory Education-Remedial Instruction
- IHBEA - Instructional Services for Limited English Proficiency Students
- IHBF - Homebound Instruction
- IHBG - Home Schooling
- IHBG -E - Home School Instruction Form
- IHBG -R - Home School - Admin Rule
- IHBIB - Primary-Pre-Primary Education Child Development
- IHBIB -R - Primary-Pre-Primary Education Child Develoment - Admin Rule
- IHCA - Summer School
- IHCD - Advanced College Placement
- IHCD -R - Advanced College Placement-Admin Rule
- IHCF - Child Care Programs
- IHD - Adult-Community Education
- IJ - Instructional Resources and Materials
- IJJ - Textbook Selection and Adoption
- IJK - Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJKA - Technology Resource Selection and Adoption
- IJL - Library Materials Selection adn Adoption
- IJNDAA - Distance Online and Virtual Education
- IJNDAA -R - Distance Online and Virtual Education - Admin Rule
- IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Inst
- IJOA - Field Trips 10-10
- IJOA -R - Field Trips - Admin Rule
- IJOB-IJOC - Resource Persons-School Volunteers
- IJOC -R - School Volunteers
- IKA - Grading-Assessment Systems
- IKA-R Grading Assessment Systems (AutoRecovered)
- IKAA - Tests and Examinations
- IKACA - Parent Conferences
- IKADD -R - Credit Recovery Admin Rule
- IKADD - Credit Recovery
- IKADD-E - Credit Recovery Application
- IKE - Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students
- IKE -R - Promotion and Retention of Students - Admin Rule
- IKF - Graduation Requirements
- IKF-R Graduation Requirements Diplomas
- IKFC - Employability Credential
- IL - Evaluation of Instructional Programs
- ILB - Test-Assessment Administration
- ILB -R - Test-Assessment - Admin Rule
- ILBB - State Program Assessments
- ILBB -R - State Program-Assessments - Admin Rule
- IMB - Teaching About Controversial-Sensitive Issues
- IMD - School Ceremonies and Observations
- IMDB - Flag Displays
- IMDC - Religious Observances and Displays
J - Students
- J - Table of Contents
- JA - Student Policies Goals-Priority Objectives
- JB - Equal Educational Opportunity
- JC - School Attendance Area
- JCAD - Student Rights and Reponsibilities
- JE - Student Attendance
- JE-R- Student Attendance
- JEB - Entrance Age
- JFAA - Admission of Resident Students
- JFAB - Nonresident Students
- JFABD - Admission of Homeless Students
- JFABD -R - Admission of Homeless Students - Admin Rule
- JFABD-E1 - Dispute Resolution Procedures
- JFABD-E2 - Written Notice of Enrollment Decision
- JFABD-E3 - Written Notice of Enrollment Decision Dispute
- JFABE - Admission of LEP and Migrant Students
- JFABF - Students in Foster Care
- JFABF-E1 - Best Interest Determination for Foster Care Sch Placement
- JFABF-E2 - Immediate Enrollment of Child in Foster Care
- JFC - Student Withdrawal From School-Dropouts
- JG - Assignment of Students to Classes
- JH - Student Absences and Excuses
- JH -R - Student Absences and Excuses - Admin Rule
- JHCB - Released Time for Religious Instruction
- JI - Student Rights and Responsibilities
- JIAA_E1 (1)
- JIAA_R (1)
- JIB - Student Involvement in Decisionmaking
- JIC - Student Conduct
- JICDA - Code of Conduct
- JICDA -R - Code of Conduct - Admin Rule
- JICEA - School-Related Student Publications
- JICF - Secret Socieites-Gang Activity
- JICFA - Hazing
- JICFAA - Harassment intimidation or bullying
- JICFB Gavins Law Sexual Extortion Students
- JICG - Tobacco Use by Students
- JICH - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
- JICI - Weapons in School
- JIE-JIF-JIG - Pregnant Students-Students with Children-Married Students
- JIH - Student Interrogations Searches and Arrests
- JIH -R - Student Interrogations Searches and Arrests - Admin Rule
- JII - Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
- JJ -R Student Activities - Admin Rule
- JJ E1 - Student Activities Form
- JJ E2 - Student Activities Form
- JJE - Student Fund-Raising Activities
- JJE -R - Student Fund-Raising Activities
- JJF - Student Activities Funds
- JJI - Students Athletics
- JJIC - Eligibility-Minimum Standards or Participation
- JK - Student Discipline
- JKD - Suspension of Students
- JKD -R - Suspension of Students
- JKE - Expulsion of Students
- JKE -R - Expulsion of Students - Admin Rule
- JLA - Student Insurance Coverage
- JLCC - Communicable-Infectious Diseases
- JLCD - Assisting Students with Medications
- JLCD -R - Assisting Students with Medications - Admin Rule
- JLCD-E - Assisting Students with Medications - Form
- JLCDB - Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
- JLCDC - Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs
- JLCDC -R-Admin Rule - Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs
- JLCDD-Service Animals
- JLCEE - Concussions and Student Athletes
- JLCEE -R - Concussions and Student Athletes-Admin
- JLD - School Counseling
- JLF - Student Welfare
- JLIB - Student Dismissal Precautions
- JQ - Student Fees, Fines and Charges
- JRA - Student Records
- JRA -R - Student Records-Admin Rule
- JRA-E - Military Opt-out Form
K - School Community Home Relations
- K - Table of Contents
- KA - School-Parent-Community Relations Goals-Priority Objectives
- KAA - Parental Involvement
- KB - Parent and Family Engagement in Education
- KBB - Parent Rights and Responsibilities
- KBE - Relations with Parent Organizations
- KC - Community Involvement in Education
- KCA - School-Community Relations Goals-Priority Objectives
- KCD - Public Gifts-Donations to Schools
- KD - Public Information and Communication
- KDB - Publics Right to Know-Freedom of Information
- KDD - Media Relations
- KDDA - Press Releases Conferences and Interviews
- KE - Public Concerns and Complaints
- KEC - Public Concerns and Complaints About Instructional Resources
- KEC-E - Request for Review of Instructional Material - Form
- KEC-R - Public Concerns and Complaints About Instructional Resources - Admin Rule
- KF - Community Use of School Facilities
- KG - Business and Industry Involvement in Education
- KHC - Distribution-Posting of Promotional Materials
- KHE - Political Solicitations in Schools
- KLG - Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities
- KLGA - School Resource Officers